The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)

The Postgraduate Programme «Athens International Master’s Programme in Neurosciences» is administered by the Department of Biology of the Νational and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). NKUA was founded in 1837 and was the first University of the newly established Greek state. It offers high-level undergraduate studies with 42 undergraduate programmes. It includes 9 Schools and 43 Departments that organize and operate 42 Undergraduate Programmes, 205 Postgraduate programmes (of which 26 in a foreign language of instruction) and Doctoral Dissertation Programmes.

NKUA has been actively participating in the European Erasmus training programme since 1987 and is a member of the European University CIVIS. CIVIS is part of a wider European Union effort to create a new type of University in 21st-century Europe. This is the European University that will be supported by the closest possible cooperation between the traditional University institutions.

In addition, NKUA includes:

NKUA is the first Greek university to be included in the 200 best universities in the world according to the results of the world ranking of Universities “WebometricsRankingWebofUniversities”. In addition, it ranks 49th among the 3262 Universities of the European Union.

It is a University that is constantly improving its position in the World Rankings, which indicates its dynamism. Its continuous evolution is based on the steady production of new knowledge but also on the international collaborations that it establishes to develop methods and strategies for the improvement of its educational and research activities. All this is reflected in the significant number of high-quality scientific papers published. In addition, NKUA has a significant research infrastructure which is constantly improving.

Athens International Master's Programme in Neurosciences

Description of the Programme

Established in 2017, the “Athens International Master’s Programme in Neurosciences” offers high-quality postgraduate education (M.Sc.) in neuroscience. It’s an interdisciplinary and modular program that bridges molecular and cellular neuroscience to systems neuroscience and cognitive processes, including computational neuroscience and big data analytics.The program involves contributions from multiple Neuroscience Departments and Research Centers in Athens and includes theoretical and practical research training.

The purpose of the postgraduate program, “Athens International Master’s Programme in Neurosciences,” is to offer high-quality graduate education at the Master of Sciences (M.Sc.) level, focusing on the scientific field of neuroscience.

For a brief description, please,


The Athens International Master’s Programme in Neurosciences was established in 2017. On average, 15 students enroll in the program each year. The table below indicates the career path our students follow.

The Ph.D. candidates (39.5%) continue their studies at the following Universities/Institutes:

West Virginia University, USA

Hellenic Pasteur Institute

University of Cologne, Germany

University of Sheffield, England

Aix-Marseille University, France

Biozentrum in Basel, Switzerland

Buckingham University, England

VIB-KU Leuven, Center for Brain Diseases

Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens

Medical School of the University of Athens

Max-Deldbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin, Berlin, Germany

Department of Biology of the University of Athens

Institute of Biochemistry, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Those who are employed in Industry (21%) work in/as:

Quality Policy

The “Quality Policy Statement” for the School of Science, Department of Biology, and its Postgraduate Study Programme, “Athens International Master’s Programme in Neuroscience,” outlines the department’s commitment to providing high-quality education in Greek and foreign languages. It aligns with the quality policy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA).

For the complete Quality Policy statement, please,


Network of European Neuroscience Schools (NENS)

The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS, Committee of Higher Education and Training (CHET), assessed the postgraduate program “Athens International master’s Programme in Neurosciences” and found that it complies with the Network of European Neuroscience Schools (NENS) eligibility criteria and accepted the program to be part of the NENS. Now, this program is listed on the NENS Programme Directory

For detailed information on current opportunities NENS offers to its school programmes and enrolled students, please,

To see the FENS flyer on higher education and training opportunities, please,

Greek Hospitality & Greek History of Neurosciences

Greece, throughout the millennia, always had a strong presence in Neuroscience. Greeks were among the first who began investigating the brain as the center of consciousness and physical functioning around 700 B.C.E. Alcmaeon of Croton (6th century BC) was the first to discover that all sensory organs, such as the eyes, were connected to the brain via channels, or poroi. He was attributed with the naming of four out the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, and smell) in understanding sensation and perception. Later, philosophers such as Plato would come to use the concept of the brain as one of the most important organs, responsible for understanding and intelligence. Hippocrates suggested the brain as the source of the Sacred Disease (epilepsy). Galen was attributed with the discovery and distinction between motor and sensory neurons.

Similar excellence in neurosciences has been carried out by contemporary Greek neuroscientists both in Greece and abroad. Greek neuroscientists publish regularly their high impact research to internationally recognized journals and conferences.

For additional information, please,

Additional Value for Studying in Athens

Aside from excellence in neuroscience, Greece is well known for its culture, excellent weather, and superb cuisine. Thus, aside from mastering neuroscience, our students can also enjoy the largest open-air museum during its mostly sunny and dry days. Awe-inspiring sight-seeings include the Acropolis and Parthenon, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, the Arch of Hadrian, the Theatre of Dionysus, the Panathenaic Stadium-Kallimarmaro, the iconic Temple of Olympian Zeus, the pedestrian avenue of Dionysios Areopagitou, Pnyx Hill, Thiseio, Monastiraki, Plaka and etc, that is full of temples and ancient and Byzantine monuments.

In addition, Athens has great museums including the Acropolis Museum, the National Archaeological Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Greek Folk Art and of Greek Folk Musical Instruments, the War Museum, the Benaki Museum, the Museum of Cycladic Art, the National Gallery, and others.

Students will also have the opportunity to enjoy excellent nature and coastline and the easily reached Aegean islands.

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