Frequently Asked Questions

We maintain a comprehensive database of commonly asked questions and suggest that you start by consulting it initially.

Applications For Admission

01. Where can I find the Application Form?

You can find the application form at the webpage of the program

02. Is it imperative that I use the Application Form provided by the Program?


03. Where can I find the Biographical Sketch Form?

You can find the application form at the webpage of the program

04. Is it imperative to use the Application and Biographical Sketch Form provided by the Program?


05. Can the Personal statement be written in the Greek language?

No it should be written in the English language

06. Is it necessary for the Personal Statement to be written in English Language?


07. Is it necessary to submit the diploma or the certificate of completion of studies by the deadline for the applications?

No. You can submit it by the 28th of September

08. Is it necessary to have all documents issued by Greek Universities translated into the English language?

No, All documents issued by Greek Universities can be submitted in the Greek language

09. Is it necessary to have all documents issued by foreign Universities translated into the Greek language?

No, All documents issued by foreign Universities should be submitted in English language

10. Is it necessary to have publications in peer-reviewed journals in order to be accepted in the Program?

No, but if you have you get additional points and increase your chances to be accepted.

11. Can I submit a summary of my undergraduate Research Thesis Project or the whole document in PDF?

You should submit ONLY the summary in pdf.

12. What is the application period for expressing my interest in attending a course in the program?

The application period for expressing your interest in attending individual courses of the Program is the same as that for attending the whole program.

13. Which documents should I provide regarding my ranking?

Reference letters that include an estimation of your ranking (e.g., within the 10% of best students in this/her class), a relevant document by the Secretariat of your department that indicates your ranking relative to the students in your class, or a relevant document that indicates your ranking relative to students that graduated, obtained their diploma, in the same day.

14. Should I provide all application documents in pdf format?

Yes, but all documents provided by the Universities should also be submitted original in paper (hard copies).

18. Should I provide all application documents as originals in paper (hard copies)?

No, only the documents provided by the Universities should also be submitted original in paper (hard copies)

19. Are there any prior knowledge requirements to apply to the program?

Although no distinction is made between University Degrees candidates should have good knowledge of Cell Biology, molecular biology, and genetics and basic knowledge of Nervous System Physiology.

The knowledge of the candidates in the above fields will be assessed through exams with multiple-choice questions. This is considered necessary for the students to achieve maximum performance during their studies and to have homogeneity in terms of the level of knowledge.

Applicants who have not been taught the specific subjects must make sure to attend the relevant undergraduate courses and/or online seminars or read relevant books.

Reference Letters

01. How many reference letters are needed?


02. Is it necessary for the reference letters to be written by Academic Professors?

The reference letters can be written by Academic Professors, by researchers, and one of them by a professional who supervised your work.

03. Where the reference letters should be sent?

The reference letters should be sent directly by the referees to the E-mail of the program: masterneuro[at]biol. uoa[dot]gr


01. Is the interview held in English?

The interview will be held both in English

02. During which period the interviews will be held?

The interviews are usually held in July.

03. What are the working hours during the Research Training Exercises?

Interviews are conducted in alphabetical order, and they can take place either in person or through online meeting platforms such as ZOOM, WEBEX, SKYPE, Microsoft Teams, etc.

For in-person interviews, students should report to the following location:

Department of Biology, University of Athens

Division of Animal and Human Physiology

3rd Building, 2nd Floor, Room 66

157 84 Panepistimiopolis, Ilisia

Athens, Greece


For online interviews, students should ensure a stable and fast internet connection. Students who will be interviewed through an online meeting platform should be connected via a fast-wired line, not Wi-Fi, and use headphones with a microphone to avoid connection problems.

04. Can the interviews be performed through meeting platforms (ZOOM, WEBEX, SKYPE, Microsoft Teams etc)?

Yes, they can.

Important dates - Enrollment Starting

01. What is the date of enrollment?

The date of enrollment is between September 20th to September 30th.

02. What is the date of enrollment?

The date of enrollment is between September 20th to September 30th.

03. What is the starting date of the Program?

The starting date of the program is by the end of September beginning of October.


01. When do the classes take place?

Classes typically run every day, from 14:00 to 19:00.

02. How long do the Research Training Exercises (Rotations) last?

The Research Training Exercises have a duration of 4 months.

03. What are the working hours during the Research Training Exercises?

During this period, you are expected to be in the laboratories from 9:00 to 17:00. In some cases, especially when experiments demand it, you might need to work on weekends as well.

04. How long do the Research Thesis Projects last?

Research Thesis Projects are conducted during the 2nd Semester and typically have a duration of 11 months.

05. What are the working hours during the Research Thesis Projects?

During this period, you are expected to be in the laboratories from 9:00 to 17:00. Similar to the Research Training Exercises, you may need to work on weekends if experiments require it.


01. How much are the fees for attending the Program?

The fees for a full time student citizen of European Union are 1000 Euros per Semester. The fees for non-European Union Students are 1500 Euros per semester

02. Can the fees be paid in doses?

Yes, in four doses at the beginning of each Semester.  The first dose of the Fees will have to be paid by 30th of September