Research Training Exercise (Laboratory Rotation) – Technical Courses IΙ Free

Teaching hours

This is a 1st semester course of about 8 weeks that corresponds to 10 ECTs and 39 total hours of lectures and approximately 320 total hours of laboratory presence/training.

It is subdivided into the following parts:


Senior Investigator, Department of Neurobiology, Hellenic Pasteur Institute

Senior Research Scientist, Basic Research Center, Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens

Technical Courses IV: Methodological approaches in Neuroscience, Microscopy-neuroimaging


This is an intensive three-week course centered around the study of neuroimaging technologies, that includes lectures, laboratory/hands-on sessions and participation in the acquisition and analysis of neurophysiological/neuroimaging data.  All material will focus primarily on learning the different imaging systems and technologies used to study the nervous system, from conventional microscopy to advanced in vivo imaging both in laboratory animals and humans. Attention will be given on learning current digital image processing tools used to analyze/ quantify imaging data. The goal of this intensive course is to provide students with knowledge of novel, state-of-the-art imaging approaches currently used to study nervous system function. Hands on laboratory sessions will allow students to learn through direct experience.

Course Overview

Teaching and some hands-on training of a wide range of imaging tools and technologies currently used to study nervous system morphology, function and dysfunction, both in laboratory animals and humans.  The course covers general principles of microscopy (both optical and electron), nuclear and MR imaging, image processing and analysis, as well as advanced neurophysiological and functional neuroimaging approaches linking microscopic analysis with behavior. More specifically, the topics covered include:

Skills & Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

Technical courses V: Methodological approaches in Neuroscience, Experimental animal models in Neuroscienc


This is an intensive lecture course focused on popular experimental models used on Neurobiological research. The course aims to explore the main attributes of various experimental systems that makes them suitable to or preferable to address particular types of questions and the depth and generality of answers thus obtained. 

Course Overview

Interdisciplinary approach to functional neurobiology and its tools including transgenics, RNA interference, particular usefulness and contributions of selected model systems.

Each system will be examined/presented along the following axes:

Models will include

Detailed syllabus

Advantages, uses, transfections

Models and examples for Neurochemistry, cultured systems as discovery tools

Advantages for Neurobiological research, transgenics, RNAi

Signaling, aging, disease models

Advantages for Neurobiological research, transgenics, tools

Neurogenetics, sensory and cognitive models

Cognitive and neurodegenerative disease models, pharmacogenetics

Advantages for Neurobiological research, transgenics

Cognitive models and methods, neuropharmacology

Neurodegenerative models and applications

Rat models, cognitive and neuropharmacology models

Titles of lectures and names of the lecturers


TECHNICAL COURSES: Neuro-Imaging, Animal models



Animal models of stress and anxiety

Antonis Stamatakis


Basic concepts of Behavioral Neuroscience

Irini Skaliora


Assessment of cognitive and motor function in rodent models

Alexia Polissidis


Human Neuroimaging methods. EEG/MEG,   PET/SPECT Imaging

N. Smyrnis


fMRI Imaging

N. Smyrnis


Light Fluorescence Microscopy: Basic theory and Modern Techniques. Advanced techniques , FLIM-FRET, FRAP 

S. Pagakis


C-elegans as experimental models in neuroscience

Konstantionos Palikaras


The drosophila model for studying neurodevelopment, learning and memory. Drosophila Models for studying cognitive and neurodegenerative diseases

M. Skoulakis


IMAGING: In vivo optical animal imaging (fluorescence / luminescence). Advanced imaging techniques- Light Sheet microscopy (SPIM)

V. Kostourou


Introduction in experimental models in neuroscience.
Rodents as experimental models in neuroscience

Spiros Georgopoulos


Image Analysis: Extracting quantitative information from fluorescence microscopy images. Software presentation: Neurolucida/ImageJ

S. Pagakis


IMAGING: Advanced imaging applications in  the CNS of living animals: Multiphoton confocal microscopy, Calcium imaging at whole animal level, Optogenetics. Data analysis with Imaris and ICY

D. Thomaidou


Week 1

Useful Expressions

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3 videos
1 audio
1 reading
Video: Crowdsourcing
10 minutes
Audio: Listening Exercise
20 minutes
Video: Collocations For Job Interview
15 minutes
Reading: Word Types
10 minutes

Week 2

Diplomatic Language

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2 videos
1 audio
2 readings
Reading: Connecting through Technology
15 minutes
Video: Web Coding Basics
10 minutes
Audio: Web Development
20 minutes
Video: Strategic Leadership
15 minutes
Reading: Word Types
10 minutes

The Call to Rise is a guide for
the woman ready to heal

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pscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod
tempor invidun omni sum.

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