This is a 2nd semester elective course of about 2.5 weeks that corresponds to 4 ECTs and 31 total hours of teaching including student presentations.
Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology, Medical School of Athens, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Professor of Neurobiology, Department of Biology, Division of Animal & Human Physiology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
This research project corresponds to 60 ECTs. The duration of the Research Thesis Project is at least 11 months and maximum 18 months from its assignment to the student. Extension can only be given in exceptional cases after the student’s request and the decision of the Special Interdepartmental Committee (SIC), with the consent of the supervisor.
The execution of the Thesis can be carried out either in domestic Universities and research centers or Universities and Research Institutes abroad, participating or cooperating with the programme. It can also be performed in non-partner Universities or research institutions both foreign and domestic after the decision of the SIC.