Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the Nervous System

Teaching hours and weekly schedule

This a 1st semester course of about 2.5 weeks that corresponds to 5 ECTs and 39 total hours of lectures.


Professor of Neurobiology, 1st Psychiatric Clinic, Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Assistant Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

MD, PhD, Medical Examiner, Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens


This is an intensive three-week course focused on neuroanatomy that includes lectures and laboratory sessions.  All material will focus primarily on learning the structure of the nervous system with a related focus on function for general neuroscientists.  Special attention will be given to chemical neuroanatomy in order to identify and describe the neurotransmitter systems of the brain and their connections. The goal of this intensive course is that students become well-versed in the structure and function of the nervous system in health and disease. Hands-on laboratory sessions will allow students to learn through direct experience.

Course Overview

Interdisciplinary study of the nervous system, with the overarching theme that nervous system disorders can be understood in terms of neuroanatomical mechanisms.  The course covers general principles of the development, connectivity, neurotransmitter and receptor systems, blood supply, central nuclei and tracts of the central nervous system.

Skills & Learning Outcomes

Interdisciplinary study of the nervous system, with the overarching theme that nervous system disorders can be understood in terms of neuroanatomical mechanisms.  The course covers general principles of the development, connectivity, neurotransmitter and receptor systems, blood supply, central nuclei and tracts of the central nervous system.

Titles of lectures and names of the lecturers


Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the Nervous System       



White matter Tractography

Foteini Christidis


Topographic anatomy of the cerebral cortex-functional mapping



Functional Neuroanatomy of Cognition 

N. Foroglou


Structures and Mechanisms of Language

C. Potagas


Hypothalamus and the pituitary gland

M. Panayotacopoulou


Structure and function of the limbic system



Brain Stem and Cerebellum

D. Mytilinaios



D. Mytilinaios


Basal Ganglia

M. Xilouri


Spinal Cord and pathways (+ autonomic NS)



Hearing and balance

E. Anagnostou


Chemical and Molecular Neuroanatomy/ Electron Microscopy

M.Panayotacopoulou,       M. Chrysanthou


Vision and Visual Cortex (+ plasticity)

E. Skaliora


Microscopic Anatomy of the Human brain

M. Panayotacopoulou,  M.Chrysanthou


Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the rodent brain

A. Polysidi/ M.Xilouri


Comparative Neuroanatomy (pig, sheep, rodents)

C. Bekiari/A.Tsingotjidou





Week 1

Useful Expressions

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3 videos
1 audio
1 reading
Video: Crowdsourcing
10 minutes
Audio: Listening Exercise
20 minutes
Video: Collocations For Job Interview
15 minutes
Reading: Word Types
10 minutes

Week 2

Diplomatic Language

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

2 videos
1 audio
2 readings
Reading: Connecting through Technology
15 minutes
Video: Web Coding Basics
10 minutes
Audio: Web Development
20 minutes
Video: Strategic Leadership
15 minutes
Reading: Word Types
10 minutes

The Call to Rise is a guide for
the woman ready to heal

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pscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod
tempor invidun omni sum.

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