Entrance exams

Candidates will take part in the ENTRANCE EXAMS on Monday, July 1st, 2025, at 13:00 GREEK time.

The Webex link and instructions will be sent via E-mail.


To download the instructions for the exams, please,

General Information regarding the exams

Although no distinction is made between University Degrees, candidates should have basic knowledge of Cell Biology and Nervous System Physiology to submit their candidacy for enrollment.

Basic knowledge in these fields will be assessed through multiple-choice exams on a specified date. This knowledge is essential for students to achieve maximum performance during their studies and to ensure homogeneity in terms of knowledge level.

Candidates who fail to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of Cell Biology and Nervous System Physiology will not be accepted into the program.

Preparation Resources

Applicants who have not been taught these specific subjects should make arrangements to attend relevant undergraduate courses, online seminars, or read relevant books. You can find free textbooks at the following sources:

Recommended Reading:

Below, you will find Cell Biology and Neuronal Physiology titles to guide your reading:


Cell structure and cellular organelles; Cytoskeleton; Cell proliferation and cell death.

Gene structure; DNA replication and transcription; mRNA translation; Regulation of gene expression; transcription factors; small non-coding RNAs;

Protein synthesis, modifications, trafficking, localization, processing, and degradation.

Vesicular Trafficking, Secretion, and Endocytosis

Receptors and signal transduction


Electrical Activity in Neurons; Ion Channels; Voltage-Gated Cation Channels; Resting Potential; Action Potential

Structure of Synapses; Synaptic Release; Neurotransmitter receptors; Signal transduction;

Cells of the nervous system; Basic functional neuroanatomy (main brain structures); The basics of the autonomic nervous system; General principles of senses.